Sleeping Pill Addiction

Sleeping pills, are a class of psychoactive drugs whose primary function is to induce sleep and to be used in the treatment of insomnia, or surgical anesthesia. This group is related to sedatives and also includes barbiturates and benzodiazepines like Xanax. Unlike other drugs in this category, sleeping pills are non-benzodiazepine hypnotics. They are commonly known as “z-drugs” since they induce sleep. Although people successfully treat short-term insomnia with sleeping pills, many become dependent on them. Many people wrongly assume they can’t get addicted to sleeping pills, yet, some people find themselves unable to sleep without one. When they stop taking their sleeping medication, all of a sudden they begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms, a telltale sign of addiction.
Most doctors only prescribe sleeping pills for short-term use. Unfortunately, many people begin using sleeping pills anytime they have trouble sleeping or face something in life that makes them feel anxious. At higher doses, sleeping pills produce the same drowsy, feel-good effect as their highly addictive counterparts, benzodiazepines. Sleeping pills can also produce hallucinatory effects when an individual takes the drug but fights the urge to sleep. The drug can also exacerbate the effects of an alcohol buzz or cause a similar feeling on its own.
An addiction to sleeping pills can be difficult to break because the user’s body becomes reliant on them to function. If they quit taking sleeping pills, they’ll experience withdrawal as their body tries to readjust. These withdrawal symptoms can be intense. Some symptoms can even be life-threatening if not treated by a medical professional. Medical detox is always the safest way for someone to detox from sleeping pills or any other addictive drug.