Fire Safety

All fires start small, but can quickly become large and out-of-control in a very short period of time, which is why we all need to be careful and educated when it comes to fire safety. Just a little bit of planning can make a big difference for your family.
- Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and in every sleeping area. They are a critical first step for staying safe, but in order to be effective, they have to be working properly.
- Test smoke detectors once a month.
- Teach kids never to play with matches and lighters. Make sure these items are put away where kids cannot reach or find them.
- Get everyone together to make a family escape plan.
- Using your family escape plan, practice with your family what to do if you see or smell smoke, or if the smoke detector sounds.
- Children should know how to respond to the sound of a smoke alarm.
- Teach them to get low and get out when they hear it. Since smoke rises, the safest air for breathing is down low.
- Blow out candles before you leave the room or before you go to sleep.
- Keep your eye out for fire hazards, and alert someone if you see any concerns.
- Remember not to play around the kitchen stove, fireplace or heaters.
- Don't play with electrical cords. And don't stick anything into an electrical socket.
- Don't put anything over a lamp. Things thrown over a lamp (like blankets or clothing) could catch fire.
- Stop, Drop, and Roll. If your clothing catches fire, remember to stop where you are and drop to the ground. Cover your face and mouth with your hands, and roll over and over until the flames are out.
- Call the fire department. Be sure to do this after you get out of the house. Remember to only do this if there is a real emergency.
- Stay out! Once you're out, stay out. Don't go back for anything!