Importance of Tissue Salts

Tissue Salts, commonly referred to as "Cell Salts"are a group of minerals that should be present in the body for it to function optimally. They form the basic constituents of the cells, tissues and organs, and the body uses their energies for metabolic functions. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there should be an adequate supply available in the body and its fluids to draw upon. If there is an insufficiency the cells convert their material structure to provide the energy, and the cell goes into a depleted state.
There are twelve primary tissue salts and these are are made up from minerals naturally found in rocks and soil. Our bodies can utilize these if we eat food that has been grown in mineral rich soil but so often the ground has become so depleted that, along with poor lifestyle choices, we may suffer from a lack of minerals as a consequence.
Here are those important twelve tissue salts available in supplement form
1: Calc fluor - Tissue elasticity restorer
2: Calc phos - Cell restorer
3: Calc sulf - Blood purifier, purulent agent
4: Ferr phos - Anti-inflammatory
5: Kali mur - Detoxifying agent
6: Kali phos - Nerve and brain cell agent
7: Kali sulf - Metabolism, pancreas conditioner
8: Mag phos - Pain and cramp killer
9: Nat mur - Water distributor
10: Nat phos - Acidity neutraliser
11: Nat sulf - Liver cleanser
12: Silicea - Skin and connective tissue conditioner
These supplemental tissue salts can be bought at most pharmacies and health stores.