Sweet Potato

The sweet potato is only distantly related to the potato.
Although the orange variety is the most common in the United States, sweet potatoes also come in white, yellow, pink and purple varieties.
While the orange and yellow types contain the most vitamin A, the purple sort is an excellent way to get antioxidants,
This food is low in Sodium, and very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol.
Sweet potatoes are high in Beta Carotene and vitamins E and C.
Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber when eaten with the skin on.
Sweet potatoes offer other nutrients such as potassium, iron and vitamin B-6.
Among root vegetables, sweet potatoes offer the lowest glycemic index rating.
Sweet potatoes are an excellent way to eat healthy! They are fat-free and cholesterol-free.
One baked sweet potato provides over 8,800 IU of vitamin A or about twice the recommended daily allowance, yet it contains only 141 calories making it valuable for the weight watcher.
Sweet potatoes are a superfood and they taste great!
They are excellent accompaniments to poultry, pork, beef, lamb or seafood.