Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts look like baby cabbages for a good reason: They’re a member of the cabbage family that includes veggies with edible leaves.
They really are named after Brussels, the capital of Belgium, where they were a popular 16th century crop.
There are more than 110 different varieties of brussel sprouts.
The smallest Brussels sprouts are marble-sized morsels while larger varieties are as big as golf balls.
Unlike most other fruits and vegetables, Brussels sprouts don't need to ripen before you eat them.
Brussel sprouts contain high levels of vitamins A and C, folic acid and dietary fibre, and can help protect against colon and stomach cancer.
An 80g serving of brussel sprouts contains four times more vitamin C than an orange, and a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts contains only about 60 calories.
Brussels sprouts pack in 4 grams of protein per cup
There is 4 grams of fiber per 1 cup of cooked Brussels sprouts.
They’re also good source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins C, A, and K.
You can boil, steam, microwave (with some water to keep them drying out), stir-fry, roast, or bake Brussels sprouts.
Carving an X in the bottom of stems before steaming helps sprouts cook more evenly.